We will have two beautiful services on Palm Sunday at 8:15A.M. & 10:30A.M. With a sermon entitled “An Unexpected King.”

Come out at 6P.M. for a concert with the Open Heart Quartet. You will hear some incredible music filled with songs you may know.


FBC Bedford has had a Maundy Thursday service for years. It is one of our most anticipated service of the year. Join us at 7P.M. for some music and a message entitled “An Unflinching King.”


Good Friday our service is at 2P.M. and is filled with music from our church musicians and FBC Kids. The message on Good Friday is entitled “An Unrecognizable King.” During the service the Lord’s Table will be observed.



We have so much planned for our Easter service. Would you join us for one or all of the days of the actives?

7:06A.M. starts our “The Son is Risen” Service. It is a beautiful time together just as the son is rising. We have music planned and Pastor Jason will bring us a message entitled “An Unbound King.”

8:00A.M. Is our annual Easter breakfast. We will meet in our CLC for a time of food and fellowship. Bring a friend there will be plenty for everyone.

9:30A.M. starts our Resurrection Service. It is a time of so much celebration. We will get to see people being baptized, fill the room with worship, and hear a message entitled “An Unquestionable King.” You will not want to miss it.